So what are some of my favorite things? I am sharing them today. Being that this is a food blog, I will be featuring only my favorite items to the theme of Kitchen and nothing more. Keep your chones on.
2. Who cut the cheese? I love cheese and I love this cheese slicer. This slicer makes even little slices to top crackers, fill sandwiches or roll into lefse (a tortilla like flatbread here in Norway). It took a few coaching sessions from Boyfriend to get just the right slice but once I got the hang of it, I've been slicing cheese all on my own just like the big girl I am.
4. Boyfriend owns a lot of electronic gadgets and knick-knacks. When shopping with me at the local kitchen tools store, he remarked that kitchen gadgets are to me what electronic doo-dads are to him. He's absolutely right. I have a whole drawerful of little gadgets with dubious uses that I bought because they looked interesting. One such item is a chatchke that measures out spaghetti portions based on the number of people dining. Well, there are two issues with the gadget - A) I don't always use spaghetti and B) it's a bitch to use. I got uncooked spaghetti everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Anyways, I digress...#4 isn't about the useless spaghetti tool. It's about one of the gadgets I bought on a whim and totally love. This is my risotto spoon. The idea is that the hole further moves the grains of rice making for a more creamy risotto. I can't say that I have noticed a difference in my risotto with the use of this spoon but I feel like serious risotto maker just holding it in my hot little hand.
6. Cutting makes me happy. Slicing, dicing, chopping, and hacking away at something calms me like swinging a golf club might calm somebody else without an affinity for cutlery. This knife is my favorite. I heart it.
8. Jars - I dig old glass jars for holding stuff. Homemade salad dressing, a balsamic reduction, leftovers, tea, whatever. I just think it's prettier in a jar.
9. Labeled sauce pourers. I'm sure there's a real term for this but I'm just too tired tonight to remember it. In fact, I'm pretty sure I used the term when shopping for them. My old Italian teacher used to say, "La Vecchia e' brutta" or roughly translated, "Old age is a bitch." Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh yes, sauce pourers. I label mine. CRUET!!!! Oh, thank god...that was bound to bother me all night.
12. As you can tell, I'm a little bit anal retentive, I like labeling things and I like organization so it makes a world of sense that I would own something like this. This is the world's best sink caddy. It's got a spot for our round pot scrubber, our long scrubbers for hard to reach places, our sponge and our pan scraper. Gold Star to Boyfriend for finding this little gem while I obsessed about which small rubber spatula to buy from Williams-Sonoma.
13. Who doesn't love fake cheese out of a can? This stuff will last beyond Armageddon. It's also what's for dinner when Kimberly doesn't cook.
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