Since I don't have that pictureless cookbook filled with the spots and stains of banana breads past, I am stuck with what I can find on the internet. Only problem is I can't find that recipe on the internet. The book my mom used is at least 25 years old. 25 years ago, shortening wasn't considered the son of Beezlebub. The only recipes I could find online used butter or margarine. That's not the banana bread from my childhood! So I thought I'd sub out the half cup of butter with a half cup of smuggled shortening (trans fat free, thank you) and I thought I'd punch it up with a cup of chocolate chips.
The final result was ok. Not bad, but certainly not the banana bread from the rosy memories of my childhood. I've already called home begging my mom to find the old book and send me that old recipe. She swears she's found a better recipe on the new and hip and promised to send me that one as well. I will make that trip down memory lane.
Recipe coming soon...
mmmmmmmmm! Love, LOVE banana bread! Can you save me a slice? Please, please, pretty please!!