Friday, January 16, 2009

Trip, trip, trip down to Trondheim

Last night, I traveled to Trondheim to speak at our office there for about 3 hours. I’m not Public Speaking’s biggest fan so I wasn’t terribly excited about the trip. When I arrived, I was completely taken by surprise by how gorgeous that city is. It is a small, seaside town on the west coast of Norway. On the drive from the airport to the city, there are picturesque landscapes and waterscapes. Trondheimsfjorden sparkled in the afternoon sunlight and the windows of the quaint farmhouses gave off a warm and inviting glow from the decorative lights on the sill. The houses in Norway are beautiful in a way that is accessible. There are a few breathtaking manors scattered across the country but the true gold lies in the wooden farmhouses that look like what I think would be the result if Ralph Lauren decided to go Shabby Chic. They are chic yet homey, farmhouse function meets comfort, clean lines and colors that manage to still be very warm. I am in love with these houses, though I could never maintain that style. It’s too easy for me to cross the line and stay permanently in shabby.

Due to my travels, I ate an orange and a handful of trail mix for dinner – nothing really blogworthy. I was cranky last night after getting home so late and I was tempted to post: I hate the world. Go find your own damned food. But that would not have been very nice.

Stay tuned for tonight – I’ll either write a review on a pizza restaurant in Frogner that I’ve heard great things about or I’ll do a post featuring more leftovers. Guess which one I’m leaning towards?

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